Frequently asked questions.

  • We charge $22 per night for a single dog in a kennel. We charge $13 for each additional dog sharing the same kennel (there are size restrictions for dogs sharing the same kennel).

    We charge $10/night for a single cat in a kennel. We charge $5 for each additional cat sharing the same kennel (maximum of two cats per kennel).

    We charge per night, regardless of what time you drop off and pick up. For example, you can drop off your dog Wednesday morning at 7:30am and pick up Thursday evening at 5:30pm and the charge is still $22 since they only stayed one night.

  • If you have pets that you would like to be kenneled together, we have the following requirements:

    They must be members of the same family. (i.e. you can’t kennel your dog with your friends or neighbors dog even if they get along fine, per state law).

    They must get along. If there is any history of fighting, they need to be housed in separate kennels - this is for the safety of both pets and caretakers.

    They must be able to eat in the same space. If there are any issues when it comes to feeding time, or if you have any concerns about your dogs eating in the same space, then you should book your pets in separate kennels. Although each pet will have their own food and water bowls, we unfortunately do not have the ability to separate dogs during feeding time or the bandwidth to keep watch on every pet during feeding time.

  • For our K9 clientele, we provide Kuranda pet cots in each kennel (our multi-dog kennels have two cots). We have blankets, food and water bowls, treats, basic dog kibble, and tennis balls and frisbees for play time. If you prefer to keep things simple, all you need to bring is your pet on a leash!

    Keep in mind however that some dogs don’t do as well when switching foods quickly (i.e they may get an upset tummy and loose stools) - if you think this is your dog, it is probably best to bring their food from home so they can stay on a consistent diet, otherwise, you will be dealing with another upset tummy when switching their food again back at home.

    Although we offer everything they need for their stay, you are more than welcome to bring food, toys, treats, or a blanket that smells like home.

    For our kitty clients, we provide litter boxes, litter, and bowls for food and water. We also have a cat climb and a few toys. You will want to bring your own kibble or wet food from home. Some of our clients bring small beds or cat tents and toys from home - feel free to bring whatever you think would make them more comfortable!

  • We offer doggy daycare three days per week (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 7:30am-5:30pm). We provide one-on-one play time throughout the day to help your pup burn off energy. Currently, our dogs in daycare do not co-mingle with other dogs unless they are members of the same family - it is strictly one-on-one play time with us humans. In the near future, we are planning to offer a co-mingling option if you’d like your pet to play with other dogs - check back on our website or Facebook page for updates once we roll this out! Our doggy day care cost is $15 per day for a single dog in a kennel and an $8 for each additional pet sharing the same kennel.

  • The dogs take turns going outside first thing in the morning for potty breaks while we are doing morning feeding rounds. If our boarding facility is at full capacity, it can take up to two hours for our morning routine to be completed! After that, the dogs rotate resting and getting turns to play outside. We do evening feeding around 5pm and continue with outside potty breaks. Following dinner, the lights go dim until it’s time for a bedtime potty break and snack around 8pm.

    If you add a country walk to your pet’s stay, we typically do these when the temperature is most comfortable for your pup.

  • We will administer medications as long as it is not “life critical” and does not require the use of a needle (i.e. diabetic insulin). It is important to note that even if your pet does very well taking medications at home, that does not mean they will take it from a stranger in a new environment. Therefore, you must consider the possibility that your pet may refuse their meds during their entire stay - if this is something that would be detrimental to their health, then we encourage you to board them with a veterinarian or a family member they are comfortable with.

  • We require dogs be up to date on Rabies, Distemper, Parvo, and Kennel Cough (Bordetella) vaccines. The vaccines must be administered by a veterinarian and the records provided must be from a veterinarian’s office (i.e. we do not accept breeder papers or vaccines purchased from pet supply stores). The vaccine record must clearly show the pet’s information, the veterinarian’s information, and the due dates for the next round of vaccines (i.e. not just the date they were administered).

  • We do not offer drop-off and pick-up times outside of our normal office hours. It is important that we maintain a strict schedule for feeding, cleaning, caring, and rest for the animals and ourselves, therefore, we must limit disruptions outside of our office hours.